Successful students in Biology 1112 will be able to...
- The Cell
- explain the mechanisms and structures involved in mitotic and meiotic cell division and explain the different roles for and consequences of each.
- describe the functionality of cellular control mechanisms.
- describe how the loss/failure of cellular control mechanisms can lead to disease.
- describe how genotypes and the environment influence the genetics of cancer.
- Genetics
- explain the transfer and modification of heritable traits from parents to offspring via Mendelian inheritance.
- apply principles of Mendelian and non-Mendelian genetics to predict the outcomes of a variety of genetic crosses.
- explain the basis of and identify examples of non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance.
- describe the nature and expression of heritable information at the molecular level, including: the Central Dogma, DNA replication, transcription, protein synthesis (translation).
- explain how gene expression is controlled in prokaryotes and eukaryotes (at transcription, post-transcription, translation, and post-translation levels).
- identify mutations in DNA and assess their impact on gene expression and diversity.
- explain chromatin structure, the histone code, and epigenetic inheritance.
- explain how differential gene expression relates to organismal development, including cellular reproduction, growth, and differentiation
- describe characteristics of viruses and bacteria (e.g., life history, genome type and content, exchange of genetic material).
- describe the experimental basis and select applications of recombinant DNA technology, including gene cloning, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and gene editing (CRISPR)
- Nature of biological science and society
- describe the development and evaluation of scientific explanations of natural phenomena.
- apply biological concepts in the assessment of contemporary issues.
- reflect on ethical implications of emerging biotechnology.
- explain how evolution accounts for the unity and diversity of life.
- Skills & Competencies
- Process of Science
- apply the process of science to research questions, presented scenarios, historical experiments, and course lab experiments.
- design an experiment
- collect and organize both qualitative and quantitative data.
- support or refute an argument or conclusion using experimental results.
- Scientific Communication
- refer to primary literature articles using proper paraphrasing and citation (compare and contrast primary, secondary, etc).
- create properly formatted graphs, figures, and tables using data.
- analyze and interpret qualitative and quantitative data
- create discipline-appropriate documents (poster, presentation, or paper).
- identify plagiarism and avoid plagiarizing when writing.
- Literature
- evaluate the quality and accuracy of a written source.
- locate scholarly articles using electronic databases.
- distinguish between primary literature, secondary literature, and content created for mass media.
- Laboratory
- employ safe laboratory practices.
- use a compound light microscope to view microorganisms; maintain microscope cleanliness.
- use a pipette to measure small volumes.
- understand the key steps and reagents in PCR.
- explain how gel electrophoresis works and interpret DNA separation on a gel.
- prepare a dilution series.
- demonstrate the ability to work effectively as a team.
- Metacognition
- determine effective study strategies to better prepare for assessments.
- evaluate the effectiveness of study strategies and modify them as needed.
- Process of Science