Students wishing to pursue a career as a high school science teacher are encouraged to complete a bachelor's degree in the content area (e.g. Biology) and apply to the Master's of Education (M.Ed.) program through Ohio State's College of Education. For further information, and for additional information about entrance requirements to the M.Ed. program, please refer to The College of Education.
Core Course
Biology 3401 - Integrated Biology
Biology 3501xx - Integrative Skills in Biology AND Biology 4901 - Biological Capstone
Biochem 4511 - Introduction to Biological Chemistry or 5613 and 5614 - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I and II
MolGen 4500 - General Genetics or 4606 - Molecular Genetics
EEOB 3310 or 3310.01 or 3310.02 † (lab) - Evolution
Micro 4000 † or 4000.01 † or 4000.02 † - Basic and Practical Microbiology or 4100 † - General Microbiology
MolGen 3300 † - General Plant Biology
Specialization Coursework (choose at least 2)
EEOB 2220 - Ohio Birds
EEOB 3320 (strongly recommended) † - Organismal Diversity
EEOB 4210 - Ecology & Evolution of Vertebrates
EEOB 4220 - Ecology & Evolution of Mammals
EEOB 4230 - Focused Study of Ecology & Evolution of Inter-vertebrates
EEOB 5430† or 5930 † - Fish Ecology
Entomology 4000 - General Entomology
MolGen 4581S or 4591S or equiv. - DNA Finger Printing Workshops in Columbus Public Schools
Major Electives
Select enough major electives to reach 32 total credits, 3 labs, and 25 bio sci credit hours.
- Core, specialization, and elective courses must total 32 semester units, and must include three laboratory courses.
- At least 25 of the 32 semester units must be courses in Biochemistry, Biology, EEOB, Microbiology, or Molecular Genetics, and courses outside these departments must be pre-approved by a Biology advisor.
- Electives must be at the 2000 level or above, except for Biochemistry and Biology which must be at the 3000 level or above.
- Up to 3 credit hours of research, individual study, or internship may be counted toward the major and, with approval of a major advisor, may be counted as a laboratory course.
- Transfer credit allowed - no more than one half of the credit hours required on the major.
- Honors versions of courses substitute freely.
† courses within the major with a laboratory component