Frequently Asked Questions

More information about advising can be found at OSU Academic Advising.


Where do I locate my rank and academic standing?

Your rank and academic standing are listed on your Advising Report, available on My Buckeye Link.  You will need to log in with your student credentials. If you are in good academic standing, there will be no notation on your record and your cumulative GPA will be above 2.0. You can also review hours required for each rank on the University Registrar’s Policies webpage.

How does Grade Forgiveness work?

Grade Forgiveness allows you to retake an Ohio State course where you have received a letter grade (A-E). The first grade is removed from your Ohio State GPA but will remain on your record, and the second grade will be the grade that counts in the GPA (regardless if it is higher or lower than your first grade in the class). A few things to note:

-You can use the forgiveness rule for up to three different courses.

-For courses where you have moved on in a series, grade forgiveness cannot be applied to a prerequisite course. Examples of this include Math, Chemistry, and Physics courses. (For example, if you have taken Chemistry 2510, you cannot go back to take Chemistry 1220 using grade forgiveness).

-You must submit your forgiveness form online by the fourth Friday of the semester in which you are repeating the class to be eligible (NOTE: Summer semester forgiveness paperwork is due by the second Friday of the term).

-The course must be retaken at Ohio State to be eligible.

Complete the University Registrar Petition to use Grade Forgiveness.   You will need to log in with your student credentials.

I’ve decided not to take classes next term, what do I do?

First you will want to make sure to drop all of your courses. After one term of no enrollment (excluding summer semester), you will automatically be put on a Leave of Absence. To return from a Leave of Absence and to take classes again, contact your academic advisor.

My parents want to speak with my advisor, how can they do that?

You will need to complete the Student Information Release in My Buckeye Link.  Then your advisor will be allowed to speak with whoever is listed.

I accidentally dropped a class I was enrolled in, what can I do?

You can try to re-add the class on your own but you may need to meet with an advisor to re-add the class. The last day you can add a class on your own using online registration is the first Friday of the semester. 

If you need an appointment with an advisor, you should call 614-292-1704 or stop at the front desk in 260 Jennings Hall to make that appointment.  After the first Friday of the semester, you will need instructor permission with a Course Enrollment Permission Form.

I was dropped for non-payment, what do I do?

You will need to contact the Buckeye Link Office about your options to add back the classes. Please note that if you plan to continue this term, you should prioritize getting them added back into your schedule. Buckeye Link can assist you further. The phone number is 614-292-0300.

Who can I contact to see how dropping a course impacts my financial aid?

The Buckeye Link Office can assist you with this and other financial aid questions.  The phone number is 614-292-0300.

What is the FAFSA and how do I complete it?

The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. 

To be eligible for some forms of student financial aid you must complete the FAFSA. Directions are available at Student Financial Aid.

When is the last day to add a class?

You generally need to add a class in the first week of a term. If you wait longer you will need to get instructor and/or department chair permission and may incur additional fees.

When is the last day to drop a class?

This depends on the type of class that you are enrolled in, and the term.  Exact dates can be found for each term on the University Registrar's webpage.

I’m feeling overwhelmed. Where can I go?

If you are feeling overwhelmed with various aspects of campus life, the Office of Student Life’s Counseling and Consultation Service (CCS) can be very helpful.  In addition to one-on-one and group counseling, they have a variety of drop-in workshops

If you are in immediate danger to yourself or others, please call 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Room.

Another great resource to help you balance different aspects of your life is the Office of Student Life Student Wellness Center.

Tutoring Resources

I need help in Math xxxx or Stat xxxx. Where can I go?

Please visit the Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center and locate your specific Math or Statistics course.  Click on the course to be redirected a page that gives course-specific information on tutoring location and schedule, workshops, and exam reviews.

 I need help in Chemistry 1210/1610 or 1220/1620. Where can I go?

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry provides tutoring for General Chemistry in the General Chemistry Learning Resource Center (LRC) Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.  

You can also request a list of available private tutors for hire from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Please note that all arrangements, including payment, are made between the student and tutor.

I need help in Chemistry 2510 or 2520. Where can I go?

Organic Chemistry Recitation Teaching Assistants’ office hours are located in 1042 Evans Lab. 

You can also request a list of available private tutors for hire from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Please note that all arrangements, including payment, are made between the student and tutor.

I need help in Chemistry 2540 or 2550. Where can I go?

A Head Teaching Assistant for Organic Chemistry labs is located on the 4th Floor of Celeste Laboratory. Please check your syllabus.

I need help in Physics 1200/1250 or 1201/1251. Where can I go?

The Department of Physics provides tutoring in Smith Labs, rooms 1011A and 1011B. The schedule is located outside the tutor rooms.

The Younkin Success Center provides physics, chemistry and math tutoring Sunday – Thursday nights, 7pm – 9pm on the 2nd floor of Younkin. The Younkin Success Center is located at 1640 Neil Ave.

University Housing provides physics tutoring in several residence halls on campus Monday – Wednesday, 7pm - 9pm.  You may have to email to see if you can use the service if you are not living on campus.

For individual physics tutors, please visit the Physics Graduate Student Council’s list of Undergraduate Tutoring List. Please note that all arrangements, including payment, are made between the student and tutor.

I need help in Biology xxxx. Where can I go?

You can locate your instructor and/or your Teaching Assistant’s office hours in your syllabus or you can schedule an appointment with your instructor and/or Teaching Assistant.

Honors and Scholars

I’m currently a student at The Ohio State University. Can I apply to the University Honors Program?

Yes, current students can apply to the University Honors Program.

I’m transferring to The Ohio State University. Can I apply to the University Honors Program?

No, transfer students are not able to directly apply to the University Honors Program. However, once a student at The Ohio State University, a transfer student can apply to the University Honors Program as a current student.

I’m currently in the College of Arts & Sciences Honors Program. How do I maintain my Honors membership?

Information to maintain membership can be found on the College of Arts & Sciences Honors Program webpage.

I’m a Biology major in the College of Arts & Sciences Honors Program. Who is my advisor?

Honors students in the College of Arts & Sciences have two advisors – one in the Honors program and a major advisor. Please visit the College of Arts & Sciences Honors Program to find your major advisor.

How do I get into The Ohio State Scholars Program?

The Ohio State Scholars Program is only available to new, incoming first-year students. Incoming new first-year students must apply by the Early Action Deadline.

I’m an incoming biology major who wants to apply to The Ohio State Scholars Program.  Do I have to be in a certain program?

No, a student does not have to be in a program theme or area that is specific to their major. 

Majors and Minors

How do I declare a Biology major or a Biology minor if I’m a current student at Ohio State in another department or major?

You can declare a Biology major or Biology minor by making an appointment to speak to one of our advisors by contacting the Center for Life Sciences Education at 614.292.1704.  A Biology advisor can review the Biology major or minor requirements and answer your questions. 

How do I change my major from Biology to different major?

To find and/or declare a new major, contact the department or college in which that major is housed and speak to an advisor about their degree requirements.  They can assist you in officially changing your major.

How do I add a minor to my current Biology major?

To add a minor, you will need to contact the department which houses the minor. Meet with advisors in that minor to ensure you understand the minor requirements and they will help you schedule coursework and officially declare the minor.

Note:  If the minor is within a college other than the College of Arts and Sciences, the advisor of that department will likely provide you with a Minor Program Form to bring to your assigned Biology advisor, and the Biology advisor can declare the minor for you after that form is turned in to us.


What are the prerequisites and supporting courses required for the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts Biology Degrees?

Prerequisites for the BS

Biology 1113, 1114

Chemistry 1210, 1220, 2510, 2520, 2540, 2550

Physics 1200 or 1250 and 1201 or 1251

Math 1151 or 1156

Math 1152 or Stat 2450 or 2480

Prerequisites for the BA

Biology 1113, 1114

Chemistry 1210, 1220

Chemistry 2310 or 2510 and 2520

Physics 1200 or 1250

Math 1148 and 1149 or 1150

Lower level statistics class such as 1350 or 1450

What are the prerequisites for the pre-health programs?

The pre-health program prerequisites will vary according to the pre-health program.

Research & Internships

How do I get credit for an internship or research that I am currently doing or plan to do? 

To obtain research or internship credit as a Biology major you should email Dr. Harold Fisk at  He will send you a link to complete the necessary information.

Dr. Fisk will then decide if you’re eligible to receive credit and if so, what type of credit you are eligible for.  Research credit is Biology 4998 and internship credit is Biology 4191.   The maximum credit hours of either research or internship that can count on the biology major is 3 credit hours.

Please note:  We cannot give credit for prior internships or research that have already been completed.

How do I graduate with Research Distinction?

In order to graduate with research distinction you will want to contact Ed Quinn, the Arts & Sciences non-honors research thesis coordinator at 614-292-6961 or He will explain all requirements when you meet with him, but in general you can find the requirements on the ASC Undergraduate Research webpage. Click on the last tab in the section titled “Research Thesis (Graduating with Distinction)”.

Transcripts & Transfer Credit

How do I order my official Ohio State transcripts?

If you want to send your Ohio State transcripts to another institution, go to the University Registrar Transcript Ordering webpage. Follow the instructions under “Current Students & Recent Alumni” tab.

How do I transfer classes to Ohio State by sending a transcript?

When ordering a transcript from your prior school, request that your transcript(s) be sent electronically to Ohio State Undergraduate Admissions. Sending paper transcripts by mail or overnight delivery will delay processing time.

If ordering a transcript online, select The Ohio State University as a recipient. In the absence of a list of universities to select, have your school send your transcript directly to

If your school does not offer electronic delivery, please have your transcript(s) mailed to the address below:

The Ohio State University Undergraduate Admissions PO Box 182646 Columbus, OH 43218-2646

-Transcripts should not be delivered by the student or sent to other addresses on campus. Doing so will prevent acceptance of the transcript as official, and a transfer credit evaluation will not be completed.

Can I check to see how classes will transfer from another college to The Ohio State University?

Yes, you can set up an account and use Transferology to check on how classes will transfer to Ohio State.

If you are planning to take Math classes at another college, then you should refer to the information from the Department of Mathematics.

What if the college I plan to attend isn’t available on Transferology or I can’t find on Transferology the specific class I want to take?

In this case, you should contact the Ohio State Transfer Credit Coordinator in the department that teaches the course that you want to transfer to Ohio State.  To do an evaluation, the credit evaluator will need a copy of the syllabus for the course that you plan to take.    

What should I do if my transfer credit transferred to Ohio State as General credit or Special credit instead of transferring as a specific class?

You will need to have each class evaluated in more detail in each specific department. Each department at Ohio State has a person (or persons) who serve as the Transfer Credit Coordinator for that department.

General Credit - You will need to provide the Transfer Credit Coordinator a syllabus for the transfer course being evaluated. 

Special Credit - If the special transfer credit is not already counting for a degree requirement on the degree audit, you can make an appointment with your academic advisor to see if that special credit can be petitioned to perhaps count for a degree requirement.  You will need to bring a copy of the course syllabus to the advising appointment. 

Helpful Websites 

Buckeye Link - Student Service Center

Financial Aid

University Housing

University Dining

Office of Diversity and Inclusion

College of Arts and Sciences

Education Abroad

Office of International Affairs

First Year Experience

Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry

Registrar’s Office

Bursar’s Office

Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center

Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing-“Writing Center”

Counseling and Consultation Service

Student Advocacy Center

Office for Disability Services

Arts and Sciences Career Success

University Honors and Scholars Center

Younkin Success Center

Office of International Affair-Education/Study Abroad

Stone Laboratory

Center for Life Sciences Education

Pre-Health Resources

Walter Dennis Learning Center

Student Wellness Center—Wellness Initiatives

Student Organizations at OSU-Directory