Ohio State nav bar


1101 || 1102 ||1110 || 1113.01 || 1113.02 || 1113H || 1114.01 || 1114.02 || 1114H || 2105 || 2200 || 3401 || 3501.01 || 3501.02 || 3501.03 || 3501.04 || 3501.05 || 3501.06 || 3501.07 ||  4191 || 4193 || 4194 || 4797 || 4798 || 4901 || 4998 || 4999H || 5001 || 6001


Introductory Biology

4 units

Course description.  Basic principles of biology; topics include the nature of science, organismal diversity, evolution, ecology, genetics, reproduction, and cellular structure and function. Not intended for students majoring in one of the biological sciences.  Lecture, Lab. 

Prereq: Not open to students with credit for Biology 101, 1113 (113), 1113H, Entomology 1101 (Entomol 101), or PlntBio 1101 (101). This course is available for EM credit. GE nat sci bio course.

Text: A common textbook is used in the majority of 1101 courses (purchase required only at discretion of instructor).  Essentials of the Living World (7th Edition) by Johnson and Bergh.

Advanced Placement Program, College Level Examination Program, EM test administered by the Office of Testing, GEL Natural Science: Biological Science, GEN Foundations: Natural Sciences


Human Biology

4 units

Course description.  Exploration of human biology; topics include structure and physiological function, reproduction and development, genetics and disease, ecology, and evolution. Not intended for students majoring in one of the biological sciences.  Lecture, Recitation.

Prereq: Not open to students with credit for Biology 102. This course is available for EM credit. GE nat sci bio course.

Text: A common textbook is used in the majority of 1102 courses (purchase required only at discretion of instructor). Johnson. Human Biology: Concepts and Current Issues - The Ohio State Univ. ISBN: 9781323510803

EM test administered by the Office of Testing, GE Natural Science: Biological Science


Biology for the Health Sciences

4 units

Course Description.  A survey of biological topics including evolution; structure and function; information flow, exchange and storage; pathways and transformations of energy and matter; and systems intended as preparation for Pre-Nursing and Pre-HRS students. Not intended for students on a Pre-Medicine or related track, or for students intending to major in biology or related areas. 

Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 1101 (101), 1102 (102), 1113 (113), or 1114 (114).  This course is available for EM credit. GEL Natural Science: Biological Science, GEN Foundations: Natural Sciences

Text:  A common textbook used is Biology: Concepts and Investigations (4th edition), Hoefnagels, Marielle.  


Biological Sciences: Energy Transfer and Development

4 units

Course description.  Exploration of biology and biological principles; evolution and the origin of life, cellular structure and function, bioenergetics, and genetics. A broad introduction to biology comprises both Biology 1113 and 1114. Lecture, Lab.

Prereq: Math 1120, 1130, 1148, 1150, or above, or Math Placement Level L or M. Prereq or concur: Chem 1110, 1210, 1610, or 1910H, or permission of course coordinator. Not open to students with credit for 1113 or 1113.02. This course is available for EM credit. GE nat sci bio course. GE foundation natural sci course.

Advanced Placement Program, EM test administered by the Office of Testing, GE Natural Science: Biological Science


Biological Sciences: Energy Transfer and Development PLTL

5 units

Course Description. Exploration of biology and biological principles; evolution and the origin of life, cellular structure and function, bioenergetics, and genetics. This course includes a required Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) component. Peer-led team learning (PLTL) provides a structure within which students will actively work together in groups to complete a series of activities and deepen their understanding of concepts associated with Biology 1113. A peer leader will work with the group on challenging and relevant activities to prepare biology students to apply scientific reasoning to authentic problems.

Prereq: Math 1120, 1130, 1148, 1150, or above, or Math Placement Level L or M. Prereq or concur: Chem 1110, 1210, 1610, or 1910H, or permission of course coordinator. Not open to students with credit for 1113 or 1113.01. GE nat sci bio course. GE foundation natural sci course.


Biological Sciences: Energy Transfer and Development

4 units

Course description. Exploration of biology and biological principles; evolution and the origin of life, cellular structure and function, bioenergetics, and genetics. A broad introduction to biology comprises both Biology 1113H and 1114H. Lecture, Lab.

Prereq: Honors standing. Not open to students with credit for 115 or 115H. GE Natural Science: Biological Science. NS Admis Cond course.


Biological Sciences: Form, Function, Diversity, and Ecology

4 units

Course description.; Exploration of biology and biological principles; evolution and speciation, diversity in structure, function, behavior, and ecology among prokaryotes and eukaryotes. A broad introduction to biology comprises both Biology 1113 and 1114.; Lecture, Lab.

Prereq: Math 1120, 1130, 1148, or 1150 or above, or Math Placement Level L or M. Prereq or concur: Chem 1110, 1210, 1610, or 1910H, or permission of course coordinator. Not open to students with credit for 1114 or 1114.02. This course is available for EM credit. GE nat sci bio course. GE foundation natural sci course.


Biological Sciences: Form, Function, Diversity, and Ecology PLTL

5 units

Exploration of biology and biological principles; evolution and speciation, diversity in structure, function, behavior, and ecology among prokaryotes and eukaryotes. This course includes a required Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) component. Peer-led team learning (PLTL) provides a structure within which students will actively work together in groups to complete a series of activities and deepen their understanding of concepts associated with Biology 1114. A peer leader will work with the group on challenging and relevant activities to prepare biology students to apply scientific reasoning to authentic problems.

Prereq: Math 1120, 1130, 1148, or 1150 or above, or Math Placement Level L or M. Prereq or concur: Chem 1110, 1210, 1610, or 1910H, or permission of course coordinator. Not open to students with credit for 1114 or 1114.01. GE nat sci bio course. GE foundation natural sci course.


Biological Sciences: Form, Function, Diversity, and Ecology

4 units

Course description. Exploration of biology and biological principles; evolution and speciation, diversity in structure, function, behavior, and ecology among prokaryotes and eukaryotes. A broad introduction to biology comprises both Biology 1113H and 1114H. Lecture, Lab.

Prereq: Honors standing. Not open to students with credit for 116 or 116H. GE Natural Science: Biological Science. NS Admis Cond course.


Human Biology in Cinema

3 units

Course Description. Human Biology in Cinema will explore biological insights related to human health and well-being through the lens of mainstream films. These biological insights will enhance comprehension and appreciation of films and in turn the films will provide a narrative structure that make the information more accessible and memorable. Films will serve as a starting point for a class discussion each week. High School Biology recommended.

GE nat sci bio course; GE theme health and well-being course.

Prereq: Soph standing, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 1105. 


Genome Biology

1 unit

Course description. DNA sequencing and analysis of bacteriophage genomes. Special emphasis on mycobacteriophage as part of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute National Genomics Research Initiative. Lab.

Prereq: 1113 (with participation in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute National Genomics Research Initiative), or permission of instructor. Cross-listed in Micrbio.


Integrated Biology

4 units

Course description. A case studies approach is used to gain a better understanding of biological concepts and principles. This course is designed for biology majors. Lecture, Recitation.

Prereq: 1113 (113) and 1114 (114), and Chem 1220 (123), and Math 1150 (150), and permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 401.


Integrative Skills in Biology: Biological Development

3 units

Course description: A Biological Development themed integrative approach to fundamental skills enhancement in the life sciences.

Prereq: 1113, 1114, and Chem 1220; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 3401 or 3501.xx.


Integrative Skills in Biology: Disease Vectors

3 units

Course description: A vector-borne disease themed integrative approach to fundamental skills enhancement in the life sciences.

Prereq: 1113, 1114, and Chem 1220; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 3401 or 3501.xx.


Integrative Skills in Biology: Symbiosis

3 units

Course description: A symbiosis themed integrative approach to fundamental skills enhancement in the life sciences.

Prereq: 1113, 1114, and Chem 1220; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 3401 or 3501.xx.


Integrative Skills in Biology: Biotechnology

3 units

Course description: A biotechnology themed integrative approach to fundamental skills enhancement in the life sciences. 

Prereq: 1113, 1114, and Chem 1220; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 3401 or 3501.xx.


Integrative Skills in Biology: Rise of Resistance

3 units

Course description: An evolution of resistance themed integrative approach to fundamental skills enhancement in the life sciences.

Prereq: 1113, 1114, and Chem 1220; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 3401 or 3501.xx.


Integrative Skills in Biology: Biology of Aging

3 units

Course description: A biology of aging themed integrative approach to fundamental skills enhancement in the life sciences.

Prereq: 1113, 1114, and Chem 1220; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 3401 or 3501.xx.


Integrative Skills in Biology: Adaptation and Evolutionary Response at Multiple Scales

3 units

Course description: An adaptation and evolutionary response themed integrative approach to fundamental skills enhancement in the life sciences.

Prereq: 1113, 1114, and Chem 1220; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 3401 or 3501.xx.


Internship in Biology

1-5 units

Course description. A cooperative education or internship assignment conducted under the supervision of a faculty member. Independent Study.

Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 cr hrs or 8 completions. This course is graded S/U.


Individual Studies

1-5 units

Course description. A program of individual study in the biological sciences appropriate for the student's needs. Independent Study.

Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 cr hrs or 12 completions. This course is graded S/U.


Group Studies

2-4 units

Course description. Group studies of topics not otherwise offered in Biology. Lecture.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs or 7 completions.


Study at a Foreign Institution

1-15 units

Course description.An opportunity for students to study at a foreign institution and receive Ohio State credit for that work. Independent Study.

Prereq: Permission of advisor. Repeatable to a maximum of 30 cr hrs or 8 completions. GE Education Abroad.


Biological Roots in England

3 units

Course description. A short-term study abroad course examining the history of biology in England. Lecture.

Prereq: 6 cr hrs taken in Biological Sciences. Not open to students with credit for 500.


Biological Capstone

2 units

Course description: A topical case study approach to integrating and synthesizing content across the life sciences.

Prereq: 3501.xx, and Rank 3 or 4 standing; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 3401.



1-5 units

Course description. Undergraduate research in biology. Independent Study.

Prereq: Permission of advisor. Repeatable to a maximum of 30 cr hrs or 8 completions. This course is graded S/U.


Honors Thesis Research

1-5 units

Course description. A program of individual research in the biological sciences appropriate for the student's needs and culminating in an honors thesis and oral examination. Independent Study.

Prereq: Honors standing, and 1113 (113) or 1114 (114), and permission of advisor. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 cr hrs or 8 completions. This course is graded S/U.


Topics in Biology Teaching

1 unit

Course description. Students actively participate in workshops and other activities, including the development of new instructional materials and SOTL projects, that enhance their preparedness for college teaching. Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs. This course is graded S/U.


Biology College Teaching

2 units

Course description. Students take a scholarly approach to studying theory-based methods to help undergraduates learn biology. Students consider methods as an instructor, peer reviewer, and student. 

Prereq: Grad standing in BioSci. Not open to students with credit for Biology 701.