Pre-Health Professions

Core Course

Biology 3401 - Integrated Biology


Biology 3501xx - Integrative Skills in Biology AND Biology 4901 - Biological Capstone

Required course

MolGen 4500 - General Genetics
     or MolGen 4606 - Molecular Genetics

Additional Coursework (choose at least 4 of the following)

Biochem 4511 - Introduction to Biological Chemistry
       or Biochem 5613 and 5614 - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I and II

EEOB 3310 or 3310.01 or 3310.02 † (lab) - Evolution

Micro 4000 † or Micro 4000.01 † or 4000.02 † - Basic and Practical Microbiology 
  or Micro 4100 † - General Microbiology

EEOB 3510  - Cellular and Developmental Biology
       or MolGen 5607 - Cell Biology

EEOB 3520 † - Microscopic Anatomy

EEOB 2511 † - Human Anatomy
  or  Anatomy 2300.01 † - Human Anatomy
  or Anatomy 3300 † or 3310.01 † - Advanced Human Anatomy for Undergraduates

EEOB 4510 † - Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy

EEOB 2520 - Human Physiology
  or EEOB 4520 - Comparative Physiology
  or PhysioCB 3200 - Human Physiology (prior to AU14 - 3101 and 3102 - Human Physiology I and II)

EEOB 3410 - Ecology

  or EEOB 3270 or 3320 or 3420 or  4240


Core, specialization, and elective courses must total 32 semester units, and must include three laboratory courses.

  • Core, specialization, and elective courses must total 32 semester units, and must include three laboratory courses.
  • At least 25 of the 32 semester units must be courses in Biochemistry, Biology, EEOB, Microbiology, or Molecular Genetics, and courses outside these departments must be pre-approved by a Biology advisor.
  • Electives must be at the 2000 level or above, except for Biochemistry and Biology which must be at the 3000 level or above.
  • Up to 3 credit hours of research, individual study, or internship may be counted toward the major and, with approval of a major advisor, may be counted as a laboratory course.
  • Transfer credit allowed - no more than one half of the credit hours required on the major.
  • Honors versions of courses substitute freely.

† courses within the major with a laboratory component