Biology Minor

The twenty-first century has been called “the century of Biology,” as the twentieth century was called “the century of Physics.” Recent years have seen dramatic changes in the methods and techniques used in biological research, resulting in dramatic changes in our understanding of biology at all levels, from molecular to global. These changes are particularly evident in the practice of medicine, especially in the fields of cancer, knowledge of genetic factors affecting disease, and in advanced imaging technologies.

We also face the consequences of climate change, a phenomenon that has moved to the top of the list of concerns throughout the world in the last decade or so. The future of humans, individually and collectively, will be determined in large part by the progress we make in the biological sciences, and our collective understanding of the significance of biological changes.

Students who minor in biology can understand the problems and contribute to solutions.  They can make informed decisions at the polls and at the cash register, and can communicate that understanding to others. Students in majors like engineering or education, who want a deeper understanding of the biological sciences than they would get in the coursework incorporated into their major, pre-professional students who wish to major in a non-science area, business students pursuing careers in biotechnology or pharmaceutical industries, students in journalism or strategic communications, and many more, will also benefit from the breadth and depth of education that the biology minor provides.

Required Supporting Courses


Biology 1113xx - Biological Sciences: Energy Transfer and Development
Biology 1114xx - Biological Sciences: Form, Function, Diversity, and Ecology


Chemistry 1206 AND 1208 or 1210 or 1610 or 1910H 
Chemistry 1220 or 1620 or 1920H


Math 1148 and 1149 - College Algebra and Trigonometry
Math 1150 - Precalculus


Math 1148 and Stat 1450

The above supporting courses do not count towards the total hours for the minor.

Core Course

Biology 3401 - Integrated Biology


Biology 3501xx - Integrative Skills in Biology

Additional Required Courses

Choose at least 2 courses from the following

Biochem 4511 (requires Chem 1220 and 2510) - Intro. to Biological Chemistry
EEOB 2511 - Human Anatomy
EEOB 2520 - Human Physiology
EEOB 3310 - Evolution
EEOB 3410 - Ecology
Microbiology 4000 - Basic & Practical Microbiology
Molecular Genetics 4500 - General Genetics

Core, additional required courses, and elective courses must total 15 semester units.  Honors versions of courses substitute freely.  Electives must be at the 2000 level or above, except for Biology which must be at the 3000 level or above.  Electives and any substitutions to the list of additional required courses above must be pre-approved by a biology advisor (and may require additional prerequisites). 

Please note:  Anatomy 2300, Anatomy 3300 or Physiology 3200 do not count on the minor.

Electives must be from one of the following departments:

  • Biochemistry
  • Biology (3000 level or above)
  • EEOB
  • Microbiology
  • Molecular Genetics

 Transfer credit allowed - no more than 6 credits permitted for the minor.