Biology College Teaching
2 credit units
College Biology Teaching is designed to help graduate students prepare to be faculty instructors while also helping them improve their current practices as graduate teaching assistants. In this course, students will take a scholarly approach as they study theory-based methods to help undergraduate students learn biology. Graduate students will analyze teaching methods as an instructor, peer reviewer, and student. Biology students working on the Graduate Certificate in College and University Teaching will be able to apply this course as the required discipline-based teaching course. Class time will be used to discuss theoretical and practical aspects of teaching, with the focus on student-generated teaching materials.
Goals of the Course
- To prepare biology instructors to take a scholarly, reflective approach to teaching that encourages undergraduate student learning during and beyond the time of instruction
- To provide biology instructors with the theoretical background and practical tools they need to develop and implement well-designed undergraduate biology courses
- To increase instructors’ confidence about teaching undergraduates biology
Prereq: Grad standing in BioSci. Not open to students with credit for Biology 701.