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5001 - Topics in Biology Teaching

Topics in Biology Teaching

1 credit unit

Biology 5001 is an individualized teaching professional development course to improve college teaching preparedness. While this course is required for all CLSE TAs, any graduate student is welcome to enroll. To complete the course, students select from a variety of teaching professional development activities to meet their personal teaching development needs and interests. Each activity is worth a set amount of points and participants must earn at least 15 points to earn a ‘satisfactory ‘ in the course. The only required activity is the completion of a planning worksheet paired with a brief early semester meeting with the course instructor to make a course plan. This course counts as an elective towards the Graduate Certificate in College and University Teaching (repeatable 4 times).

Potential course activities include:

  • CLSE Journal Group: read and discuss scientific articles related to STEM teaching
  • Book Groups: read and discuss books related to teaching and learning
  • CURE TALC: A learning community for TAs teaching CURE-style laboratory experiences
  • Workshops offered by CLSE, The Drake Institute, ODEE, and others
  • Mentoring
  • Asynchronous online activities
  • Participation in the student organization CRUST (Community for Research-based University STEM Teaching)
  • Teaching endorsements with The Drake Institute
  • Reflections on teaching professional development activities

Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs. This course is graded S/U.

Review the calendar of CLSE workshops.

Review the list of Biology 5001 Teaching Competencies students can achieve in this course: