Integrated General Biology Specialization

The Integrated General Biology Specialization is appropriate for students wishing for a well-rounded biology education. Career paths for students in this specialization include graduate school in the life sciences, laboratory research positions, positions in government agencies or non-profits, among others.

Major Program Policies

  • Your Major Core, Required, Specialization, and Elective Courses must total 32 credit hours (not including supporting courses)
  • At least 25 of the 32 credit hours must be from the Biological Sciences (BioSci): Biochemistry, Biology, EEOB, Microbiology, or Molecular Genetics
  • You must have 3 lab classes (in addition to the supporting course labs)

Core Course

Biology 3401 - Integrated Biology


Biology 3501xx - Integrative Skills in Biology AND Biology 4901 - Biological Capstone


  • Biochem 4511 - Introduction to Biological Chemistry or 5613 and 5614 - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I and II
  • EEOB 3310 or 3310.01 or 3310.02 † (lab) - Evolution
  • EEOB 3410 - Ecology
  • EEOB 3510 or MolGen 4700 or MolGen 5607 or MolGen 5608 (3) – Cell Biology
  • Micro 4000 † or 4000.01 † or 4000.02 † - Basic and Practical Microbiology or 4100 † - General Microbiology
  • MolGen 4500 - General Genetics or 4606 - Molecular Genetics

Specialization Coursework (choose at least 2)

  • 2 Major elective courses (3-5 credit hours each) at the 4000-level or above


Major Electives

Select enough major electives to reach 32 total credits, 3 labs, and 25 bio sci credit hours.



  • Electives must be at the 2000 level or above, except for Biochemistry and Biology which must be at the 3000 level or above.
  • Up to 3 credit hours of research, individual study, or internship may be counted toward the major and, with approval of a major advisor, may be counted as a laboratory course.
  • Transfer credit allowed - no more than one half of the credit hours required on the major.
  • Honors versions of courses substitute freely.

† courses within the major with a laboratory component