Biology Advising

Major Advisors

To schedule an appointment with your Biology advisor go to OnCourse or call 614-292-1704 to schedule an appointment with any Biology advisor.  The office is staffed Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm.  Summer hours 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. 

If you are not currently a Biology major, and would like to become one, call 614-292-1704 to set up an appointment.  If you are an honors student, contact the Honors office to change your major on the student information system.  Honors Biology advising information is listed below.

Plan ahead! During scheduling times appointments fill up quickly a few weeks in advance. 

Advisors are assigned by last name.

A, B, D                   Amy Selby:

C, E, F, G, J            Lydia Rall:

H, I, K, N, O, Q       Maggie Wagner:

L, M                         Robbie Lustig:

P, R, T, U, V, X, Y    Ryan Keller:

S, W, Z                     Peggy Strow:

Biological Sciences Scholars:    Melissa Basford:

Weekly "virtual" drop-ins with your assigned advisor. Contact your advisor for more information.

Items that are appropriate for DROP-INS (approximately 10 minutes or less): 

  • Quick schedule changes for students who don’t have access to change schedules on their own.  You must come with a specific open class you would like to add.
  • Urgent matters that must be completed before the end of the first week of classes
  • Quick questions regarding GE or Biology major requirements
  • Urgent SAP appeals or Consortium Agreements for the current semester
  • Urgent 18+ credit hour petitions (if truly appropriate for the student)

Items that require an appointment: 

  • Graduation Applications
  • Long range class or career planning
  • Requests for Letters of Recommendation
  • Thorough review of several alternative majors and/or minors
  • Long range Pre-Health or Graduate School advising
  • Petition work (Curriculum Petitions, Registration Petitions, etc.)
  • Academic Probation conferences
  • Dismissal appeals
  • Reinstatement inquires, petitions, etc.

There will be no drop-ins during breaks or Summer Semester.

Please call 614-292-1704 to schedule an appointment. 
The office is open Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm.  Summer hours 8:00 am-4:30 pm.

Honors Major Advising

Faculty advisors for Honors biology students will be appointed soon.

Please address general questions about the ASC Honors program to the ASC Honors Office (call 614-292-5104 for an appointment). Specific questions about Honors contracts and the biology major or minor may be directed to Dr. Harold Fisk (; 614-292-0318).